First of all , Welcome here! and thanks to use your time to read this tuff. Why I am writing a blog now? Why when I have less free time in my life I decided to take that valuable time to write? The main reason is that I want to share my journey back to love coding, my transition to become more than a developer, but an engineer. I discovered how much I love showing others how they can do the same. I will try to explain in this blog things related to coding, engineering, but not focused on the code part. I can help on how to approach a problem, the technical implementation for sure can be found easily in many places online. I want to help people in a way they have the knowledge on how to do things, how to work better, but not tied to a language, I want this blog to help people regardless on what language they are using, learning or loving. Why I say in love with coding again? I can easily identify two moments in my life when I love coding. The first one was when I was learning in t...