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Showing posts from 2019

Estimates and transparency: The importance of trust

Business people and Engineers .. are we like cat and dog? In the past it look like it could be like that. We were living in separate worlds, and to be sincere we did not care much to approach the other world from our side, and either from theirs. I do not need to explain why was that, but briefly for the lucky ones who lived that period for a short time or did not live those times at all we can simply say that business people needed to deliver something quick, did not have much time to share their view. Developers just wanted to receive a document with the information we need to do something and do that thing on time, and that thing on time could be a project that in most of the cases was estimated from someone who did not have enough information to know how long it will take. Also we did not have enough knowledge and information about why something was needed, we just knew what they need, not why. What have changed now? In this new world of agile development we are working togeth

Why I am here ?

First of all , Welcome here! and thanks to use your time to read this tuff. Why I am writing a blog now? Why when I have less free time in my life I decided to take that valuable time to write? The main reason is that I want to share my journey back to love coding, my transition to become more than a developer, but an engineer. I discovered how much I love showing others how they can do the same. I will try to explain in this blog things related to coding, engineering, but not focused on the code part. I can help on how to approach a problem, the technical implementation for sure can be found easily in many places online. I want to help people in a way they have the knowledge on how to do things, how to work better, but not tied to a language, I want this blog to help people regardless on what language they are using, learning or loving. Why I say in love with coding again? I can easily identify two moments in my life when I love coding. The first one was when I was learning in t